Many of you may know I am not a big water drinker. Give me coffee any day and I can (and will) drink it all day long. I’ll venture into the lands of sweet tea and flavored fizzy water, but honestly it’s mostly coffee and the occasional hot tea. I’ve been trying to do better and have been buying carbonated water to help get me to drink more. Why carbonated water? I gave up soda years ago and the carbonation makes it feel like a treat.
I must not have drunk enough yesterday after being outside and in the sun most of the day. No sunburn, as we kept applying sunscreen, but I woke up with a huge headache and was nauseous. After some salty crackers, at least 4 cups of water, and some Aleve, it finally died down to a manageable ache.
We kept it pretty low key today. We checked out the 99 Cent store that we kept seeing everywhere and then drove down to Coronado. We parked near where the ferry docks and explored the little shopping area. We finally managed to find some postcards! It’s had been hard to find postcards around San Diego.

Ben had read about California Burritos on things to try while in California, so we stopped and picked one up for dinner. It’s a burrito with french fries in it! It was delicious! I’m not entirely sure the fries added a whole lot to it, but it was very tasty.