Posted in: Exploring Florida, Food

Twistee Treats and House Rules on Ice Cream

When Ben and I wanted to start eating less junk food, Ben came up with the rule of no ice cream in the house. “What”, you may say, “Never?” Well, not never, we will buy for birthdays or sometimes just a small pint for everyone to share after dinner. However, in general, it is not in the house. Meaning that if we want it, we have to want it so badly that we are willing to leave the house to drive to get it. It needs to be consumed before we get back to the house as well. It usually is more expensive this way, which also makes us ask ourselves just how badly we want it.

Anyway, the reason for the explanation is that we both wanted ice cream and of course didn’t have any in the RV. We drove to a local Twisty Treats (looks similar to The Cone for those back home). They certainly had plenty of options to choose from! Ben got a blue raspberry in a cone. I got a cookiewhich (ice cream sandwich) with reese’s pieces.

The building is built like an ice cream cone and the very top is meant to look like a chocolate topping. At night the topping has lights that come on that resemble sprinkles. It was really neat! The cookiewhich was delicious.

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