Posted in: Christmas, Holidays

Christmas Tree in A RV

Since we only have about 400 sq ft of living space in the RV, it makes having a Christmas tree rather difficult. We still wanted one for the kids. There were the mini trees types that they used to have in their rooms and some corner trees* which are great for small spaces. However, we have a very tiny space and I think I found a solution.

We bought a felt tree with velcro ornaments*. We hung it on the living room against the wall.

Ben was crafty and cut slits in the felt so we could poke LED lights through. It turned out really well. The boys then hung the ornaments.

Even though it’s not a traditional tree, I think it’s going to work out great.

*Affiliate link

Posted in: Christmas, Food, Holidays

Our New RV…Gingerbread Style

We have always done a gingerbread house at Christmas. We found a really cute RV kit at Target this year.

The kit came with the gingerbread pieces, gum drops, candy beads, light bulb candy, red and black decorative icing, and a white Royal icing. There were a few paper decorations as well: Santa, a grill, and a picnic bench/tree.

There was a plastic tray with indents for the wheels. It did help a lot as the RV sides set. The directions said to do the front/back/sides and let sit, then add the roof. If you don’t have it perfect, the roof doesn’t fit in easily. Next time I may put the roof on as soon as the sides/front/back are iced together, so that the icing is still pliable and it can all set/dry together.

The boys had a blast decorating it and it turned out pretty well. They especially enjoyed eating it for Thanksgiving dessert!

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